
Getting Checked In & Frequently Asked Questions

How to Participate

Research and Development:
We welcome volunteers! It takes a lot of work to put together a project like this and if you enjoy and/or have any skill at gathering information, posting social media updates, or just getting the word out – come on board!
We welcome contributors! You can contribute by providing pictures, videos, and/or films that will help tell this important story. We welcome nominations! If you should be on this show, inform your employer of this wonderful opportunity to honor your efforts!

Interview Preparation

What Should I Expect On Sundays?

If You're An Interviewee

If you've been sponsored to be a part of the Faces of Nursing Recognition, you're in the right place! There are three things we need from you to get your interview scheduled.

#1  Interview form
To make sure every interviewee name is spelled and titled correctly the form is a good place to start. Please also include who sponsored you.  

#2 Pick a Date
Go to the Project Calendar and pick a date that best fits your schedule.

#3 Sign A Release and Provide Photos
When you arrive at the studio bring the printed and signed release provided.
A signed release will allow us to interview you and place that interview in our show.
Interviews are intended for television, radio, print, and online.

To tell your story you need at least 5 photos. What we would like if possible is a headshot or something similar and other photos over the life span of your career. If photos are hard copies, bring them with you and we scan and return them to you before you leave. Please don't scan them yourself since we'll scan at a higher resolution for higher quality.

What Should I Expect On Sundays?
What Should I Expect On Sundays?
How Can I Be Saved?
How Can I Be Saved?
How Can I Be Saved?

Participating Organizations

If your organization is participating in the documentary you can provide the initial information we need to get started. Please provide your organization's contact person and interview names here.

Participating Organization Form



How Can I Send A Prayer Request?

Providing Images

Supporting Partners

Thank you for making this project a success!

To tell the unique stories of Houston and surrounding areas, personal images of people and places through the years will be a wonderful addition. Early hospital days or photos representing different decades will allow us to demonstrate the efforts of the industry in our community. All contributions will be recognized in the credits of the episode where it is presented.

If you would like to provide personal photos or films, please fill out the following photo/film contribution forms. Photos already digitalized can be uploaded with the form. If photos are original hard copies, please fill out the form and we will contact you for further instruction. Select the List of Needed Photos link below to verify the image contribution.

Photos/films form
#2  List of Needed Images

A signed release is part of the photo/film contribution form which allows us to use your contributed image in programming and promotion of the Faces of Nursing, Houston, project.
Interviews are intended for television, radio, print, and online.

Help us promote the show with a Faces of Nursing coffee mug or memorabilia . Coffee Mug and Other Promotional Items

Make sure to be on our email release-times list. When your images are presented on social media we will provide you with a link for you to share. Emails are specific to the project.
 Sign Me Up!

Nominating Names

How Can I Send A Prayer Request?

Nominating names for interviews and scholarships is an important part of this project because to tell the story of the "Faces of Nursing" we need nurses that could use a little encouragement and recognition. Ask your organization to participate.
 Sponsor a Co-Worker!

How Can I Send A Prayer Request?

Top Questions & Answers

From Interviewees

What do I wear?
Wear what you normally wear to work. If you a nurse manager and you wear daily business attire, then that's what you'll wear for your interview. If you a nurse that wears scrubs,
then wear your favorite scrubs!

How do I prepare?
Once you fill out the interview form you will receive by email how to prepare for your interview. Since the interviews must be similar in length to all other interviews a guide will be provided to lengthen or limit you conversations into 2-minute segments.

How do I share with friends and colleagues?

Make sure to be on our email release list. When your segment is presented on social media we will provide you with a link for you to share.

How do I win a scholarship?
To be announces August 1, 2021.

How do I win a door prize?
To be announced August 1, 2021.